Fight or Flight
I’ve been watching and participating in the ALS ice bucket challenge over the past week, which somewhat reminds me of the Fight or Flight response. I like many others chose to fight by doing the challenge and fly shortly after…I can’t figure out how to upload my video so I found this one which is quite funny…
Don’t you just love the British accent? Anyways,
Many years ago Sir (he wasn’t a Sir I don’t think but it sounds better) Walter Bradford Cannon coined the term “Fight or Flight response”. We all do it, have it, or whatever verb you would like to use to describe. The F/F response has to do with stress. We can’t always control our stressors in life, but we can learn to manage stress. Here are some simple tips for managing stress…
1-Fly some things out of your life. Are there stressful things in life that you’ve chosen and can work to get rid of? i.e. debt, overcommitting, etc.? Start by meeting with a financial advisor for example.
2-Fight for your physical health. Can you begin to exercise, prepare healthy foods, take vitamins, get plenty of rest? Do you need to call your doctor for a checkup?
3-Fly to others for help. Ask for help. We often get very “wound up” or frustrated because we try to do everything by ourselves. Call a friend, neighbor, family member, doctor, and/or therapist.
4-Fight by gaining a new perspective. Consider things such as: this trial won’t last forever, there are some who have it worse off than me, this stress is making me growing in a certain area in my life, etc.
5-Fight for an attitude of gratitude. Start being thankful for all of the blessings you have in life. Food, water, shelter, clothing, etc..change your thoughts from negative to positive by being thankful!
Hoping and praying you choose the right response to stress this week,
Book recommendation: 9 Things you Simply Must Do to succeed in love and Life by Dr. Henry Cloud
This is so on point and your perspective and delivery is fantastic. Keep this up for certain- it’s helpful and you are talented!
Wow, I’m humbled. Thanks Bill.