Exercise & Meditation Techniques
Below are a few exercises and meditation techniques from Dr. Atwell.
The Lord's Prayer Deep Breathing Exercise
Guided Meditation for COVID 19 Related Anxiety (based on Psalm 91)

Programs / Websites
9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
In 2020, Congress designated 988 to become the national dialing code to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and to be phased into use as soon as possible. The current National Suicide 10-digit number is 800-273-8255.
On July 16, 2022, the 9-8-8 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline became activated. Nationally, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), coordinated this 988-rollout shortening the Lifeline contact number to only 3-digits - in the same way, 9-1-1 was shortened. This helped to codified the more general emergency services number nationwide more than 40 years ago.
Effective now, both the 988 and the 800- numbers will get callers to the same helpers. The 800-number will continue to function in the short-run and until the 988-number proves to work nationally as planned. If LPCANC members are sharing the 800-number for emergency mental health services currently, you may wish to give the 988-number a few days/weeks to insure it is working as planned before switching to the 988 access.
Celebrate Recovery (celebraterecovery.com)
A Christ-centered 12-step recovery program
Divorce Care (divorcecare.org)
Divorce Care is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone.
Grief Share (griefshare.org)
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
Focus on the Family (focusonthefamily.com)
Focus on the Family provides relevant Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics.
Caring (caring.com)
List of assisted living facilities in the Concord area.
Come and Reason Ministries (www.comeandreason.com)
Dr. Tim Jennings, a Christian psychiatrist has a TON of free resources on his website (audio books, things to print, etc.) for FREE. Dr. Jennings has great perspective on the “law of love”, God, and psychiatry.
Date Night Ministry Resources
Pastor Ted Cunningham (who is hilarious by the way) has some great resource for married couples.
Hope and Healing Center
Dr. Matthew Standford, a Christian psychiatrist who has some great resources on his site and also has a great perspective on mental illness in the Bible including profiles of bible characters. He also offers telepsychiatry at affordable rates! His book, Grace for the Afflicted offers great insight on mental illness in the Bible.
Resources on Addiction (rickamato.com/blog)
Dr. Rick Amato (PhD) is an expert in the area of addiction. He offers an interesting and easy to understand about the brain and addiction.
Amen Clinics
Dr. Daniel Amen is a renowned Christian Psychiatrist who can also help people understand brain science and mental illness from a biblical perspective.
Treatment Centers
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery Centers in the Concord Area
Providing pertinent information regarding centers focused on helping those challenged by drug and alcohol addiction.
Honey Lake Clinic
An in patient Christian mental health treatment center for a variety of mental health and substance abuse concerns for people ranging from adolescent age to elder adults.
Book Recommendations
All Topics:
- Boundaries
- 9 Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life
- Anxious Parents/Anxious Kids
- The Strong Willed Child
- Bringing Up Boys; Bringing Up Girls
- Bad Pictures/Good Pictures
- Grace-based Parenting
- The Five Love Languages
- His Needs/Her Needs
- Fireproof
- The Six Mosquitoes
- Boundaries in Marriage
- When Two Become One: Enhancing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
- Love and Respect