Does a funny spelling bee announcer ease your disappointment?

I read an article in USA today and came across this when talking about the National spelling Bee, “…A collective sigh could be heard when spellers were eliminated when they missed words like “menhaden” (a type of fish), “citronella” (an oil used as insecticide) and “verbigeration” (continual repetition of stereotyped phrases). Applause followed each spelling. Laughter often rang out when pronouncer Jacques Bailly used words in humorous sentences — for “odyssey” he talked about getting lost in Costco for 35 minutes.”

I’m sure in the moment and context it was rather humorous and the announcer hopefully helped some of the disappointed children who studied so hard to prepare but in the end fell short. No one normal likes to see a disappointed kid. Of course, as adults if we cushion our children too much and never allow them to be disappointed this often makes them turn out to be bratty, annoying adults.

Life also allows very difficult disappointments that can be devastating such as infertility, a failed pregnancy, cancer, divorce, family disputes, not getting a job, losing a job, and much more. Some often wonder if there is a “God” why he would allow hurt and devastation. I don’t know all the answers but I know this. Hurt, devastation, loss, disappointment, and all evil was not God’s intention when he created us. He desires that we live an abundant life. However, when humans decided to go against God in the beginning, hurt, pain, devastation, and all evil was the result. I think God’s heart breaks when we are disappointed. I know this was not his plan, but thankfully He made a way through his son Jesus to restore us!

God can use all things (good and bad) to do a good work in our life. Think back in your own life, what have you learned from difficult times? What joy have you experienced on the other side of pain? I never want my kids to be disappointed but it will happen and when it does, I’ll be there to help them through it, to learn from it and hopefully plan for it not to be repeated. I think God as a loving heavenly father does just that. Let him love you and be with you through times of disappointment. Let your friends help you and encourage you. Ask for help and don’t try go through discouraging times alone.


Love, Natalie

I often hear people say if there is a “God” why would he let bad things happen.


  1. Joseph Gala on March 10, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    Good article Natalie. I was a spelling bee champion. And also, Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Lynda on March 10, 2015 at 6:31 pm

    Lot of my greatest joys have followed disappointment that at the time seemed over powering or the end.