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  • Passover and Mental Health April 22, 2024
    I imagine many of you have questions about this title. Is Dr. Natalie Jewish? What does Passover have to do with Mental Health? This seems strange… Well over the past year or so, I’ve taken a deep dive studying the Feasts of Israel and have learned a ton some of which I want to share, […]
  • Nicaragua: Hope in the Present Age April 17, 2024
    Last week, I was blessed to have the opportunity to serve with a team of diverse individuals with a non-profit of which I serve on the board. One of my dreams in life has been to do missions as a mental health professional and over the past several years, the dream has become a reality. […]
  • The Hard ? or the Weird ? February 20, 2024
    The other day I was in a meeting with someone impressive who often has to ask “the hard questions” in her job. We were discussing how people and things have changed over the years which in turn often changes the way we do our jobs. The conversation led to me encouraging her to not only […]
  • Focus, why it matters and how to increase the ability to focus properly January 16, 2024
    Over the New Year holiday, my family and I went to Arizona and were able to visit the Grand Canyon for the first time. The vastness of the beauty is overwhelming. I can understand now why some have studied it and explored it endlessly for years. One thing that at first made me confused was […]
  • Want to know what decreases the likelihood of developing a mental illness? September 26, 2023
    Recently, I was able to hear George Barna from the Barna Group present at a conference and this statistic stood out to me above all. Current research suggests if you believe in the following 7 tenants of the Christian faith your chances of developing a mental illness decrease to 2%: 1-God is eternal, omniscient, and […]
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The right response

By Natalie Atwell | May 12, 2015

Today, I’m going to shout out to mothers. Mother’s Day was the past Sunday, which is a nice day in theory. However, for some it is a painful day. Mother’s Day can be hard for someone who has experienced the loss of a mother (I’m speaking of death not actually losing one…I tried to lose…

I stabbed my husband with a butter knife

By Natalie Atwell | April 21, 2015

I realize that those of you who do not know me personally think I am completely nuts simply for reading the title of today’s blog. Well, you have made a good judgment. 🙂 I am not perfect and so thankful for God’s grace which the only way my husband can deal with me. Speaking of…

Top Gun is one of my favorite movies…

By Natalie Atwell | April 10, 2015

Happy Friday friends, I hope that you are preparing for a great weekend. Many people flock to the movie theaters on the weekends to catch the latest film. Some prefer a nicer theatre and some don’t mind the “dollar theatre” where their feet stick to the floor. Growing up, I remember loving the movie Top…

Keeping your mouth shut…

By Natalie Atwell | March 24, 2015

Anyone who knows me, knows this is a struggle for me. It is an area in my life that I constantly have to work on. We all have at least one of these types of struggles… There are times when I think I’m doing better and learning and using my words for good, then I…

Does a funny spelling bee announcer ease your disappointment?

By Natalie Atwell | March 10, 2015

I read an article in USA today and came across this when talking about the National spelling Bee, “…A collective sigh could be heard when spellers were eliminated when they missed words like “menhaden” (a type of fish), “citronella” (an oil used as insecticide) and “verbigeration” (continual repetition of stereotyped phrases). Applause followed each spelling.…

Getting arrested sledding…

By Natalie Atwell | February 18, 2015

[youtube=]The South has been taken by storm where I live, and there is ice and snow all around. The snow brings a mixed bag of emotions for people. Some get excited because school is out, some are angry that they are stuck indoors, some businesses are losing money, while others are earning because of the…

Shine bright like a diamond, nah I prefer to shine bright like a star…

By Natalie Atwell | February 9, 2015

The name Esther is believed to mean, “star” by many biblical scholars. She was made the Queen of Persia after a crazy series of events including a year long beauty preparation and contest… Not something I’d want to sign up for b/c I’m sure waxing/plucking and who knows what else was included in this…I barely…

Not quite an American Sniper but a just as tough American Aircraft Mechanic!

By Natalie Atwell | January 20, 2015

This past weekend, my husband and I went to see American Sniper. Scenes from the movie, thoughts about veterans, and mostly memories of my dad being in the military have replayed in my mind over and over the past few days. I don’t want to spoil the movie, but I highly recommend it. I know…

Traumatized by Kenny G…

By Natalie Atwell | January 13, 2015

For the younger readers..maybe I have one…:), the name Kenny G may not ring a bell to you. He is a talented musician and was popular in the 90s during my dating years. Of course, he was more popular with the adults than the teens… Disclaimer: I do not apologize for sharing this story to…

Happy Not so New Year!

By Natalie Atwell | January 5, 2015

That doesn’t sound like a very exciting title I know…However, I hope you’ll be encouraged by this blog as I explain…So many people set resolutions and set out to change themselves, their surroundings, etc. in a New Year. The idea of starting fresh, starting new, starting over is very appealing. According to an article in…

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