Roshonda Hawkins
980.209.6328 (Ext. 4)
Roshonda Hawkins is one of our office administrators. Roshonda received her A.B.A. from Rowan Cabarrus Community College and her BSW from Liberty University, where she was abducted into the National Honor Society. She has worked and volunteered as a church administrator at various locations for over 12 years. Roshonda also has a number of years of experience as a finance secretary at various churches.
She is passionate about seeing others healed and takes pleasure in participating in that process however she can. Roshonda’s compassion for others, coupled with her strong interpersonal skills and commitment to efficiency, makes her a significant contribution to our organization.

(Phone) 980.209.6328
(Fax) 704.787.8085
280 Concord Parkway, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027
A Marketing Image Website | Images By: FreePik.com

(Phone) 980.209.6328 | (Fax) 704.787.8085
280 Concord Parkway S, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027
A Marketing Image Website | Images By: FreePik.com