Barbara Watkins (Headshot)
Barbara Watkins (Headshot)

Barbara Watkins

Prayer Warrior

Aunt Barbara Watkins, is Natalie’s biological aunt and everyone else’s spiritual aunt. She has blessed the practice by being our prayer warrior. She comes in occasionally to walk and pray over every office, therapist, and client. You may or may not ever see her around the office, but regardless you can rest assured that if you are a part of the practice in any way she is praying for you. Of course, we never break confidentiality and she never asks what is going on with clients, she simply asks the Holy Spirit how to pray and she prays.

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(Phone) 980.209.6328   |   (Fax) 704.787.8085

280 Concord Parkway S, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027

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(Phone) 980.209.6328
(Fax) 704.787.8085

280 Concord Parkway, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027

A Marketing Image Website   |   Images By: