Anna Sexton (Headshot)
Anna Sexton (Headshot)

Anna Sexton, MP

980.209.6328 (Ext. 15)

Anna obtained her undergraduate degree in Middle Grades Education from Appalachian State University in 2018 and her Master's degree in School Psychology from Winthrop University in 2023. Prior to obtaining her degree, she worked as a secondary high school teacher in Kannapolis, NC for 3 years. She is currently working to obtain her Specialist in School Psychology degree from Winthrop.


Counseling Approach:
Anna believes in a holistic approach to her practice, including addressing a student's life's cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioral aspects. She also prioritizes the importance of collaboration with other professionals in order to provide the best possible support for clients.


Specialties & Population Served:
Anna values the use of evidence-based interventions and assessments that are appropriate for each individual student's needs and circumstances and is committed to ongoing professional development and self-reflection in order to continuously improve her practice and provide the highest quality services to students and their families.


Fun Fact:
Anna enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with her husband and two beloved dogs, Ivy and Boone.

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(Phone) 980.209.6328   |   (Fax) 704.787.8085

280 Concord Parkway S, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027

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(Phone) 980.209.6328
(Fax) 704.787.8085

280 Concord Parkway, Suite 100
Concord, NC 28027

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